Monday, October 21, 2013

I've Been Called!

I have officially been called as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! AHHHHHHHH I am so excited!! I am going to the

 Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission!!

Now if you would have had me guess before I opened my call, Louisiana would have NEVER even crossed my mind. 


However, God works in mysterious ways and there is obviously a reason why I am supposed to go there and I can't wait to see His reasonings unfold as I work!

I report February 19th, so it is still 120 days away but who's counting ;) 

But let's rewind.

My papers were submitted September 19th, after a long two weeks I received my call the morning of October 3rd.  Now I thought that the wait for my call was long, but I was not prepared for the wait I had to endure to open my call.  


I waited nine days to open my call, to find out where I would be spending the next year and a half of my life.  That nine days seemed like an FOR-EV-ER (Sandlot anyone?)   But I was away at school at Southern Utah University and I wanted to come home to Phoenix to open it with my family and friends, so it was worth the wait!

I opened my call surrounded by family and friends! Some were actually there, others were there via Skype, and others were there in spirit. 

 After picking my call up from the post office

Me and my parents

I have anticipated this time in my life for as long as I can remember and can't believe it is actually here.

I am excited to share the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of Louisiana. I am a little nervous for the alligators (though I am currently looking for a tutor in alligator wrestling, just in case I ever come face to face with one) but I know that I will be protected!!! :)

I am excited for the delicious food, the friendly people, and the opportunity to give everything I have to serving God.  

I am excited to share the love of God with everyone, and let them know that their mistakes don't have to define them.  We can be made whole through Jesus Christ and with His help we can become a person we cannot even fathom in this present moment.

I am excited to tell everyone about the restoration of the gospel, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and the reality of modern day prophets.

I am excited to tell people about temples and how they can be with their families for ETERNITY not "til death do us part" but for ETERNITY

Now that's a long time.

I am excited to proclaim to all the world (well, maybe it's really just southern Louisiana, but let me have my moment) that I love my Savior and this gospel and that I know that what I am teaching is true.

I am excited to be a representative of the Lord and have a badge that says so!!  

I excited to join my brothers and sisters in Christ, in being an active part of God's army!!

<3 Sister B.

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