Greetings from good ole' Baton Rouge!!
This has been the BUSIEST week of my mission so far..... our numbers were out of control!! Hardly anyone ever gets em this high any time during their ready........................................ drum roll........................ 11 hours of service (not that great) and 32 lessons!! 32 FREAKIN LESSONS!!! what?? Is this even really life?!?!? Have I ever been more tired in my life??? Don't think so!!! haha But we are working so hard and I love it!!! :)
So I left my planner and my camera at home b/c we were going to go home before we emailed and then there was a change of plans so I will try to remember everything that is important.
First off, I am having a little bit of separation anxiety from Grandmas house knowing that you all are there. So I went and bought some Wheaties because every summer I would eat Wheaties at grandmas house. So now when I am at my apartment eating my Wheaties I kinda feel like I am at grandmas house with all y'all! :)
Last Monday..... we wen tot the zoo to celebrate sister steele and sister Hill's birthdays!! It was fun but I have never been a really fan of zoos because I can just look at picture of the things on the internet and have the same thrilling experience of seeing exotic animals in the comfort of my pajamas but the company was very much enjoyable and I am glad we were ableto do something for them!!
Tuesday was district meeting and it went really well!! We didn't get done until later and then it rained pretty hard so we went to a members house for an hour so that it would calm down! Then that night was ward temple night!!! ahhhhhhh it was so awesome!!! I just love it so much! Since being in Louisiana I have been able to go 5 times! so it has definitely been a blessing to be close to the temple. Heavenly Father must have know that I would need that monthly boost!! Because it works! After ward temple night I am ready to take on the world!!! :)
Wednesday was crazy busy! We taught 7 lessons that day! We met a crazy woman.... my favorite quote from our conversation is down at the end just for the suspense! :) So that was fun!! We were able to just see so many less active and so many non members! We have really been working with this one less active. she is awesome and I can see some real potential for her coming back to church if we keep working with her! She has been doing her "homework" as she calls it and keeps wnating us to give her more things to do!!! Now we jsut have to get her family on board too because that just makes things easier!!
Thursday was even crazier! We taught 8 lessons! That is an all time daily high for me!! and for Sister Steele! It was just so awesome and the Lord was just making everything fall into place that needed too!..... did I tell you that a few weeks ago the elders made me drink buttermilk at a members house and I about puked?? Well that happened... we had dinner at that same members house thursday night so that just reminded me!! :) ahah
Friday we had our last specialized training with Pres. Wall. It was definitely a little sad. But the discussion we had was amazing... pres. Wall would ask certain wuestions to missionaries and people just opened up really fast. We were talking about the tender mercies of the lord in relation to hope... It was just super cool and the spirit was jsut so strong you could have popped it with a needle! :) We also talked about the atonement in realtion to missioanry work and they showed that video that I told y'all to look up when I first got here to Louisiana! It was just super cool. President Wall pretty much just went through what he wanted us to learn most and what her thought were the most important things to learn while out here. it was just awesome! So after that we started sharing with everyone this idea of finding hope through the tender mercies of the Lord. It brought about some amazing discussions in which you could jst feel the spirit all around us. It also caused me to reflect on my life and taking the time to recognize the tender merices. I have recognized so many more since being a missionary but I don't think it is because they just increased in number but more I am looking for them and am grateful when I find them. As simple and finding a pull through parking space so sister steele doesn't have to back me!! :) The tender mercies of the Lord are everywhere! And I have noticed that as I reflect on those tender merices when I say my nightly prayers that it makes a big difference in the type of day I have the next day!
Saturday we did service all day for this less active woman........ I stayed and helped with the kitchen for 3 hours it needed a lot of work but I am glad we were able to help! Sister Hill and Sister Weidmann came too becuase we knew it was going to be a big project!! Then we went to dinner with one of our recent converts!!
Sunday we had to teach relief society and it was one Dallin H. Oaks talk from the priesthood session. It was am AMAZING talk but it was on a subject that made me a little uneasy to teach about because so people are crazy and when you ahve an investigator at church who still has some unresolved issuses with the priesthood you just get nervous. I have come the the conclusion that I need blood pressure medication just for the sundays while I am on my mission. Nothing stress me out more than church...... even wrinkled paper doesnt stress me out more thats how stressful they are! But really it s only when we have investigators there. But the lesson went surprisingly well and we really just focussed on the fact that we have equal but different responsibilites and then talked about thsoe!! So it went well!!
Today we had a bike ride. Those are the pictures that I can send becuase we have sister steeles camera with them. Pres. Wall is an avid cyclist so his last wish was for everyone in the mission to ride their bikes from 10-12 on his last p-day (today) with their districts! It was fun! My butt hurts soooo bad!! but thats just because I haven't ridden a bike in a while! (I borrowed one from some members!) And we ahd t-shirts that say the final ride on the front and bringing hope one mile at a time on the back! So they are pretty groovy and it was a pretty fun things to do! We went about 14.23 miles [after 2 people getting flat tires and someones chain falling off. Can you tell most of us have been working on patience for our christlike attribute this month? :) ] So collectively as a distict we rode 113ish miles! So it was pretty fun! Now we have some more projects to do before he leaves!
I miss you guys but I hope you're having fun on the adventures youre going on!! I am happy, health, and working hard!
I love you!
Your favorite missionary
*We talked to this crazy lady and she was tellin us how no one can stop her. She proceed to not yell but very forcefully proclaim "I've died 9 times!! I have 11 death certificates!!" I, with some extra strength given to me by Heavenly Father, was able to surpress my laughter until we got into the car and then I jsut lost it! Like tears rolling down my face I was laughing so hard! How can you have more death certificated that times you have "died"!!!!